Lost and Stolen Cards

Call the dedicated lost or stolen service for your card
Available 24 hours a day 7 days a week this service will take care of cancelling your lost or stolen card so no one else can use it to access your money.

ABCUL Prepaid Card                                          Credit Union Current Account
Does your card look like this?                           Does your card look like this?
0845 603 8702                                                         0845 467 4260

Damaged card?
If your current account card is damaged them simply contact us on 0151 708 5515 to request a replacement. You can continue using your old card until the new one arrives.

Blocked PIN?
If you have blocked your current account card PIN for use in shops then please reset by using PIN services at any bank cash machine. If your PIN is blocked at the cash machine then please contact us on 0151 708 5515.