CLCU Special General Meeting: Friday 10th February 2023

We hereby give notice of an Special General Meeting of Central Liverpool Credit Union Ltd
Time and date: 14.30 on Friday 10th February
Venue: By Zoom Conference: Register here:
Only one motion is to be considered at this meeting:
“This meeting agrees that Central Liverpool Credit Union extend the field of membership to cover the additional local council areas of Chester West and Cheshire, Warrington Borough Council, West Lancashire Borough Council and Wigan Metropolitan Borough Council and approves the adoption of a new rule book redefining the common bond accordingly.”
Why are you expanding the common bond?
To expand saving amongst younger people
We have received requests from dozens of schools outside of the current common bond to join our Life Savers project. By expanding into those areas we can increase the number of young savers.
Meeting unmet need
To serve the thousands of people we know want to join the Credit Union but are currently living in an area where they cannot access our services
Matching local neighbourhoods
The current common bond stops at the boundary of the Liverpool City Region. However this border cuts right across some well-established neighbourhoods. As a community organisation our priority is to support local communities and this is best achieved by expanding beyond the City Region.
What is a common bond?
Each credit union must have something that binds its members together. This is known as the common bond or field of membership. You can only borrow or save from CLCU if you meet this criteria
What about other credit unions?
CLCU is a co-operative. One of the seven principles of a co-operative is cooperation amongst co-operatives. CLCU will not be competing with other credit unions in any of those areas