Talking to members

Thank you for your interest in being interviewed by the Credit Union and our software partner – NestEgg.

We are keen to ensure that a new app we are building meets member needs.

About the new app

An award by the Affordable Credit Challenge award means that the credit union and NestEgg can build software to help members make a successful loan application.

Currently when a member is turned down for a loan, we can’t tell them precisely why.

It might be because there are missed payments on other loans. Maybe there’s a recent County Court Judgment. Perhaps there’s just too much debt. In some cases the proposed loan payments aren’t affordable.

To solve this a new mobile app will show borrowers more of the information that’s used to make lending decisions.


We’re looking for feedback on our plans during an interview that will last up to 30 minutes.

We’ll give every participant a £10 Marks and Spencer voucher in return for their help.

The next round of interviews takes place at our Park Street office on 11 December. We’ll have a second round in late January.

Please complete the form below if you’re able to help.

[caldera_form id=”CF5dc2f963ae8d2″]