How would you like to be featured in our Annual Report for 2020?

Each year in our Annual Report we like to feature our members in some way. Our last Report for year ending 2019 contained over 50 images of our members. The front cover of that report shows some of our members helping us celebrate our 30th Birthday at the Anglican Cathedral.
Unfortunately, the events of 2020 meant that we were not able to hold any community occasions to report on.
So we are looking for members to tell us their stories of 2020
- How did you cope?
- Did you learn a new skill?
- If you got a loan from us between March 2020 and march 2021, what did you spend it on?
- Did you find a new sense of community spirit?
- Or any other positive story that you would like to share with us.
It would be great if you also have photos to share.
If you’d like to share your story, complete the form below