Tips to help you budget this Christmas
Christmas is a time of year that most people look forward to, but it can be very expensive, leading to money worries for many families. With the current situation regarding the rising cost of living and the energy bill crisis, this Christmas is likely to be even more challenging as people try to afford presents…
Get Talking About Money for ‘Talk Money Week’
Many people find it difficult to talk about money usually because they don’t feel comfortable talking about personal money issues and feel like they will be judged if they reveal that they are struggling. According to the Office of National Statistics, 3 in 4 adults reported feeling very or somewhat worried about the rising cost…
What is inflation and how does it affect you?
Recently the news has been filled with worrying topics such as the cost-of-living crisis and rising energy bills. There are so many terms being used to describe the stressful financial circumstances that UK households are facing, and it can be a bit overwhelming to understand the individual impact on you. It has been announced that…
Are You Eligible for an Energy Hardship Fund?
It is a very worrying time for many households as energy bills are increasing and the cost of living crisis continues to get worse. At Central Liverpool Credit Union, we try to provide as much support and guidance as possible to help people in the Liverpool City Region to make the best financial decisions to…
Celebrating International Credit Union Day 2022
Celebrating International Credit Union Day The 20th of October 2022 is International Credit Union Day, which is a great time to reach out to more people to explain how credit unions work and the benefits that they can provide to both families and individuals. The theme of this year’s International Credit Union Day is ‘Empower…
Job vacancy: Member Services Officer
Central Liverpool Credit Union (CLCU) is looking for an experienced Member (Customer) Service Officer. The successful candidate will have a genuine desire to make a difference to people’s lives. And our communities. We’re seeking someone who will take pride in providing the best service possible to our members. This is a part time role and…
The Importance of Happiness in the Workplace
The average person will work 90,000 hours in their lifetime, so when you are choosing your career or considering whether to make a change, you should remember that you will probably spend a huge amount of your life at work. Enjoying your job has many benefits, from helping to maintain good mental health, to feeling…
A double win at the Consumer Credit Awards
We’re delighted to have a double win at the Consumer Credit Awards: Best loan product under £2,500 Best Credit Union in the North A similar scoop in 2020 saw Central Liverpool Credit Union take the Treating Customers Fairly award. “At CLCU, we are passionate about the benefits of credit union membership and the positive impact…
Why You Should Consider Payroll Deduction
The cost-of-living crisis is causing fear in many households, with around 3 in 4 adults feeling very or somewhat worried about the rising cost of living according to ONS reports. People with young children and those in the lower salary ranges were found to be the most concerned about the rising costs. Money worries…
Avoid the minimum payment trap
Taking out a credit card can be a convenient solution for your circumstances, but credit cards can also lead to avoidable extra debt if you do not manage your repayments well. Credit cards with high-interest rates can make your outstanding debt escalate if you are not paying the full amount off each month. It…